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 Billy Ray Cyrus Wants Miley Back in Tennessee

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ريم الإمارات

المساهمات : 120
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/07/2008

Billy Ray Cyrus Wants Miley Back in Tennessee Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Billy Ray Cyrus Wants Miley Back in Tennessee   Billy Ray Cyrus Wants Miley Back in Tennessee Icon_minitime1الجمعة أبريل 24, 2009 8:19 pm

affraid Miley Cyrus may be just 16 years old, but she's one of the most famous performers on the planet. The teen sensation was in Las Vegas this past weekend for the Academy of Country Music Awards with her famous dad Billy Ray Cyrus.

Miley spoke to Hollyscoop exclusively about growing up in the spotlight, her boyfriend Justin Gaston not being allowed to accompany her, and whether or not she'll ever leave the bright lights of LA for a quiet life in Tennessee.

Her father Billy Ray even chimed in on the one-on-one adding his two cents. Here are some highlights from our exclusive interview with Miley and Billy Ray below...(video coming soon) Billy Ray Cyrus Wants Miley Back in Tennessee Admin-RS-post-main.aspx?filename=87079371---miley

Miley on growing up to Country music and sharing the spotlight with her famous father:
"Its cool [sharing the spotlight with Dad] cause this is where I grew up. I grew up around country music, so that’s cool."

Billy Ray on his famous daughter:
"It’s great to be here to see Miley growing up in front of the world. She's a great singer, songwriter, entertainer, and actress. I’m real proud of her she’s an excellent young lady and makes great choices."

Miley on why her boyfriend Justin Gaston wasn't invited to Las Vegas:
"He doesn’t get to come, he doesn’t come to the cool events, and I got my dad instead. I didn’t let him come," she joked.

Billy Ray on collaborating with his daughter Miley:
"Ya, we write songs, we play together all the time we had a huge record in the last year with Ready, Set, Don’t Go and Butterfly."

Billy Ray on Miley growing up in Vegas:
"She’s been coming here since she was a baby, coming to the shows, first time I played Vegas was 1992. She's been here just about ever since then and it's kind of our second home, really our third home, I guess Nashville, LA and then Vegas."

On whether Miley would consider going to back to Tennessee:
"Please say yes," Billy Cyrus joked, while Miley added, "Dad wants to go home, he wants to use me as an excuse. I like where I am and it's where I want to be. If I ever need a break I will, but for right now I'm happy doing what I'm doing."
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Billy Ray Cyrus Wants Miley Back in Tennessee
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