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 teen magazine falsely reported that Miley Cyrus was dead!!!!

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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ريم الإمارات

المساهمات : 120
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/07/2008

teen magazine falsely reported that Miley Cyrus was dead!!!! Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: teen magazine falsely reported that Miley Cyrus was dead!!!!   teen magazine falsely reported that Miley Cyrus was dead!!!! Icon_minitime1الأحد ديسمبر 14, 2008 9:38 pm

teen magazine falsely reported that Miley Cyrus was dead!!!! 42837440

Miley Cyrus

(October 10, 2008) Miley’s death greatly exaggerated

A German teen magazine falsely reported that Miley Cyrus was dead, J-14 magazine reported. The German magazine claimed that Cyrus was killed in a car accident on the way filming Hannnah Montana. The rumor made it onto Yahoo News and many fans made YouTube videos saying their goodbyes to Cyrus. A rep for Cyrus said the rumor was “insane and false.” Cyrus since has been spotted around Los Angeles.
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teen magazine falsely reported that Miley Cyrus was dead!!!!
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